Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Once Again to Saddlebag

Saddlebag is a magic place.  It's at the intersection of two distinct geographies.  On the one side are reddish rounded mountains; while on the other, are the bright steep granite peaks I love so much.


We fished each day.  Dave caught a fine 15 1/2" rainbow for a late dinner.
He continued to catch two more, but I didn't do much more than wet the bait.

We enjoyed the flora and fauna.
This little(?) lady preferred the potato chip to the raisin.  Even chipmunks love the crunch.

This noisy fellow is a Clark's Nutcracker (named after Clark of Lewis and Clark fame).  He has a special seed storing pouch at the base of his tongue. After he gathers up a truck load, he caches them for winter over an area of up to 8 miles!  Ants have nothing on these guys!

I was surprised to find some penstemon still hanging on.

And even some pennyroyal for an afternoon cup of tea!

One of the joys of Saddlebag is the water taxi two miles to the far side 
and the entrance to the Hoover Wilderness.

 That's North Peak beyond there.  Gorgeous!

 Time out for a photo.

Our main fishing site.  

We each caught our limit!  All tasty native brooks save one rainbow, an upstream migrant.

 Ah.  One of the advantages of car camping.  A two burner gas stove and a car full of ingredients -- trout sauteed in butter with lemon and almonds.  

 Beautiful sunsets.

Beautiful evenings.  Lovely time.  Thanks for the trip Dave!